东北财经大学成功举办“IAER Macroeconomics Workshop 2024”
2024年6月14日至15日,东北财经大学高等经济研究院、经济学院、科研处成功举办“IAER Macroeconomics Workshop 2024”。校内外中青年教师和研究生共四十余人参加了此次研讨会。十位经济学者报告了其最新研究成果,探讨了最优贸易政策、股权溢价之谜、资产泡沫等宏观经济学前沿理论。
罗切斯特大学白艳教授做了题为“Optimal Trade Policy with International Technology Diffusion”的主旨报告,文章研究了在带有通过贸易进行技术扩散的Eaton-Kortum模型下的最优贸易政策及其福利效应。韩国银行、首尔大学Yongsung Chang教授做了题为“Spousal Labor Response to Primary Income Risk: Identification and Heterogeneity”的主旨报告,文章以挪威为例探讨了当家庭主要收入来源受到风险冲击时配偶的劳动力供给反应及其异质性。亚利桑那州立大学Rajnish Mehra教授做了题为“The Equity Premium Puzzle and the Evolution of Macroeconomic Research”的主旨报告,讨论了宏观经济模型是如何随着解决股权溢价之谜的努力而演变的。北京大学贾盾助理教授、复旦大学马畅副教授、上海财经大学欧声亮副教授、新加坡国立大学张冬海助理教授应邀参加了本次研讨会,分别做了题为“Expectation Formation with Vague FOMC Communications”“The Effect of the China Connect”“House Prices, Land Finance and the Coordination of Monetary and Fiscal Policy in China”“The Macroeconomic Effects of Unemployment Insurance Extensions: A Policy Rule-Based Identification Approach”的报告。东北财经大学高等经济研究院李剑副教授、汤皓州副教授、樊华助理教授也在研讨会上报告了论文。
IAER Macroeconomics Workshop 2024是我校举办的第四届IAER Macroeconomics Workshop。作为我校开展学术合作的重要组成部分,本届研讨会为校内外师生搭建了宏观经济学高水平学术交流平台,提供了拓宽学术视野、跟踪学科前沿、提高创新能力的难得机会,为我校加强学术交流合作、不断提高学术水平和创新能力发挥了积极作用。
DUFE Held IAER Macroeconomics Workshop 2024
June 16, 2024
IAER Macroeconomics Workshop 2024, sponsored by Institute for Advanced Economic Research (IAER), School of Economics, and Office of Academic Research of Dongbei University of Finance and Economics (DUFE), was held on June 14-15, 2024. More than 40 scholars and graduate students attended the workshop. Ten economists presented their latest research findings, exploring cutting-edge theories in macroeconomics such as optimal trade policy, the equity premium puzzle, and asset bubbles.
Professor Yan Bai from the University of Rochester delivered a keynote speech titled "Optimal Trade Policy with International Technology Diffusion." They study optimal dynamic trade policies in an Eaton-Kortum model with technology diffusion through trade. Professor Yongsung Chang from the Bank of Korea and Seoul National University gave a keynote speech on "Spousal Labor Response to Primary Income Risk: Identification and Heterogeneity," identifying the role of spousal labor supply and its heterogeneity as an insurance against primary income risk in Norway. Professor Rajnish Mehra from Arizona State University presented a keynote speech "The Equity Premium Puzzle and the Evolution of Macroeconomic Research," discussing how macroeconomic models have evolved as a result of efforts to resolve the Equity Premium Puzzle. Assistant Professor Dun Jia from Peking University, Associate Professor Chang Ma from Fudan University, Associate Professor Shengliang Ou from Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, and Assistant Professor Donghai Zhang from the National University of Singapore were also invited to the workshop. They presented their research titled "Expectation Formation with Vague FOMC Communications," "The Effect of the China Connect," "House Prices, Land Finance and the Coordination of Monetary and Fiscal Policy in China," and "The Macroeconomic Effects of Unemployment Insurance Extensions: A Policy Rule-Based Identification Approach," respectively. Associate professor Jian Li, Haozhou Tang and assistant professor Hua Fan from DUFE attended and presented papers at the workshop.
The IAER Macroeconomics Workshop 2024 is the fourth IAER Macroeconomics Workshop held by DUFE. As a significant event of cooperation in academic research of DUFE, the IAER Macroeconomics Workshop 2024 provided a valuable platform for both researchers and students to broaden academic horizons, track research frontiers, and enhance innovative capabilities. The workshop has also promoted the applications and development of economic research in China.