2023年4月27日,东北财经大学高等经济研究院助理教授王兴华与西班牙庞培法布拉大学副教授Daniel Navarro-Martinez 合作的论文 "Bridging the gap between the economics lab and the field: Dictator games and donations" 被实验经济学与行为决策领域权威期刊 Judgement and Decision Making 接收发表。Judgment and Decision Making 是 Society for Judgment and Decision Making (SJDM) 和 the European Association for Decision Making (EADM) 官方期刊。
Assistant Professor Xinghua WANG's Paper Accepted for Publication in Judgement and Decision Making
May 16, 2023
Xinghua WANG, IAER Assistant Professor, had his paper accepted for publication in Judgement and Decision Making on April 27, 2023. Entitled "Bridging the gap between the economics lab and the field: Dictator games and donations", the paper was co-authored with Daniel Navarro-Martinez, Associate Professor at Pompeu Fabra University. Judgment and Decision Making is the official journal of the Society for Judgment and Decision Making (SJDM) and the European Association for Decision Making (EADM).
The external validity of economic experiments is a fundamental question in experimental economics. Social preference games are the main tools used to study social preferences in experimental economics and the whole behavioral science. Many existing studies, however, questioned the external validity of these games. This paper studies contextual differences between laboratory experiments and the real world, focusing on the dictator game and donations in the field. By conducting several interconnected experiments, we showed that it is possible to increase the external validity of laboratory games by eliminating the contextual differences. Our results have wide-ranging implications for conducting externally valid economic experiments.