10月29日,东北财经大学高等经济研究院在线举办了第一届IAER行为与实验经济学研讨会(The First IAER Behavioral and Experimental Economics Workshop)。校内外中青年教师和研究生共40余人参加了此次研讨会。
7位经济学者报告了其最新研究成果,探讨了行为与实验经济学前沿理论。加州大学圣克鲁斯分校教授Daniel Friedman、香港中文大学助理教授Jaimie W. Lien、中山大学岭南学院副教授戴芸、武汉大学经济与管理学院经济学教授孙祥、香港科技大学(广州)博士后王文乾应邀参加了本届研讨会并报告论文。东北财经大学副教授(准聘)景琳、助理教授赵书辰在研讨会上报告了论文。
DUFE Held the First IAER Behavioral and Experimental Economics Workshop
October 29, 2022
The First IAER Behavioral and Experimental Economics Workshop, organized by Institute for Advanced Economic Research (IAER), Dongbei University of Finance and Economics (DUFE), was held online on October 29, 2022. More than 40 scholars and graduate students attended the workshop.
Seven economists presented their frontier research, and received constructive comments from the audiences. The workshop invited a total of 5 economists to attend and present: Daniel FRIEDMAN, professor of the University of California, Santa Cruz, Jaime W. LIEN, assistant professor of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Yun DAI, associate professor of Lingnan College of Sun Yat-sen University, Xiang SUN, professor of Wuhan University, and Wenqian WANG, post-doctoral fellow of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou). Associate professor (tenure-track) Lin JING, and assistant professor Shuchen ZHAO from DUFE attended and presented papers at the conference.
As a significant component of cooperation in academic research of DUFE, the First IAER Behavioral and Experimental Economics Workshop was a valuable platform for economists to broaden the horizon in research, and promote the applications and development of economics in China.