


2022年8月22日,东北财经大学高等经济研究院助理教授赵书辰与加州大学圣克鲁斯分校Daniel Friedman教授,斯塔万格大学Jean Paul Rabanal副教授、Olga A. Rud副教授合作的论文“On the Empirical Relevance of Correlated Equilibrium”被经济学领域权威期刊Journal of Economic Theory 接收发表。


Assistant Professor Shuchen ZHAO's Paper Accepted for Publication in Journal of Economic Theory

 September 1, 2022

Shuchen ZHAO, IAER Assistant Professor, had his paper accepted for publication in Journal of Economic Theory on August 22, 2022. Entitled "On the Empirical Relevance of Correlated Equilibrium", the paper was co-authored with Daniel Friedman, Professor at University of California Santa Cruz, and Jean Paul Rabanal and Olga A. Rud, Associate Professors both at University of Stavanger.


The paper studies whether an efficient correlated equilibrium can emerge with the absence of exogenous coordinating signals. Theoretical work in adaptive dynamics suggests a positive answer, which the authors test in a laboratory experiment. In the well-known Chicken game, authors observe subjects' behavior that is close to the asymmetric pure Nash equilibrium in some treatment groups, and in other treatment groups we observe collusive play. In a game resembling rock-paper-scissors or matching pennies, authors observe subjects' behavior close to a correlated equilibrium that is more efficient than the unique Nash equilibrium. Estimates and simulations of adaptive dynamics capture much of the observed heterogeneity across player pairs as well as dynamic regularities. The results show that correlated equilibrium without any exogenous signal indeed has empirical relevance, but within narrower limits than some researchers might have guessed.