20190815103431.jpgDr. Qingyuan DU is currently a senior lecturer at the Department of Economics, Monash University. He obtained PhD from Columbia University in 2011. His main research fields are international economics, macroeconomics and Chinese economy. His works have appeared in Journal of International EconomicsEuropean Economic Review,  and Economics Letters.

Personal Website: https://research.monash.edu/en/persons/qingyuan-du


1. 18:15-20:40, Sunday, June 25, 2023

2. 13:00-15:25, Monday, June 26, 2023

3. 13:00-15:25, Thursday, June 29, 2023

4. 13:00-15:25, Friday, June 30, 2023


    Classroom: I-206, Boxue Building, DUFE

This short course aims to introduce an open economy macroeconomic framework to investigate the roles of global and financial market shocks in shaping the dynamics of exchange rates, capital flows, inflation, and output. We will analyze the welfare impact of various macroeconomic policies—such as inflation targeting, exchange rate stabilization, and capital control—across diverse scenarios. The course's primary objective is to offer valuable policy recommendations to policymakers, thereby providing them with effective strategies for managing open economies.