Workshop on Macroeconomics and Development Hosted at DUFE


Workshop on Macroeconomics and Development was hosted by Institute for Advanced Economic Research (IAER) and School of Economics, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics (DUFE) on August 5th-7th, 2019 at DUFE. Ten keynote or invited speakers presented their latest research at the Workshop and around 30 faculty members and students of DUFE attended.


On August 5th, Dr. Johnathan Heathcote, monetary advisor of Research Department, Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, gave the keynote speech on "Understanding Optimal Income Taxation." In the research, Dr. Heathcote and his coauthors focus on how tax rates should vary with income, and argue that an increasing marginal tax rate is likely optimal for the United States. Then they discuss how tax rates and tax progressivity should vary by age. Dr. Kaiji Chen, associate professor at Emory University, presented his research titled "Aggregate and Distributional Impacts of Housing Policy: China's Experiment." Dr. Wen Yao, assistant professor at Tsinghua University, shared her paper on "Skill Premium and Preferential Policy: The Case of China." Dr. Feng Dong presented his paper on "Flight to Housing in China." Dr. Ying Feng, assistant professor at the National University of Singapore, shared her research on "Unemployment and Development."


Dr. Johnathan Heathcote is presenting his paper.


Dr. Kaiji Chen is presenting his paper.


Dr. Wen Yao is presenting her paper.


Dr. Feng Dong is presenting his paper.


Dr. Ying Feng is presenting her paper.

On August 6th, Dr. Daniel Yi Xu, professor of Duke University, gave the keynote speech on "Production Networks and Skill-biased Technology." Using detailed firm-to-firm VAT data of Turkey, Dr. Xu and his coauthors document two novel empirical facts. First, there is strong positive assortative matching of the average worker wages of suppliers and buyers. Second, relatedly, high-wage buyers source their inputs disproportionately from high-wage suppliers in the aggregate. They construct a quantitative model of firm-to-firm trade. In the setting, the quality decision of the firms are inter-related, thus an external export demand shock to high-income countries could facilitate the quality upgrading of domestic producers through input-output linkages. Dr. Yong Wang, associate professor at Peking University gave a speech on "Endowment Structure, Skill Premium, and Industrial Upgrading."


Dr. Daniel Yi Xu is presenting his paper.


Dr. Yong Wang is presenting his paper.

On August 7th, Dr. Alessio Moro, associate professor at University of Cagliari presented his paper on "Spatial Polarization," and Dr. Xin Zou presented her research on "Zoning and Welfare: A Quantitative Analysis of China.”


Dr. Alessio Moro is presenting his paper.


Dr. Xin Zou is presenting her paper.

This three-day Workshop provided an academic platform for economists, especially young macroeconomists, to present and share their researches as well as a good opportunity for faculty members and students of DUFE to communicate and interact with international scholars in the field of macroeconomics and development economics.
