Distance and City Similarity, which matters more and when?
15:00-16:30, Monday, June 29, 2020
Tencent Meeting (Meeting ID: 760 261 134)
Dr. Yichen GAO, is now an associate professor at International School of Econometrics and Management, Capital University of Economics and Business. Dr. GAO obtained her Ph.D. in Economics from Texal A&M University in 2013. Her research interests are Applied Econometrics, Housing Market and International Trade. Her works have appeared in The world Economy, Economics Letters, Journal of Econometrics, Empirical Economics and Journal of Nonparametric Statistics.
In this paper, we examine China's 152 cities' housing price and city properties. Using a novel method to construct spatial weighted matrix representing city similarity, we find that for the first and second tiers cities, city similarity affects housing price more than road distance. For other tiers, the effect of road distance dominates. Our finding suggests that people in top tier cities consider city similarity instead of city distance when purchasing house. And people in other tier cities are more likely to purchase house in adjcent cities.
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