Information Provision and Healthcare Quality
10:00-12:00, Thursday, May 28, 2020
Tencent Meeting

Dr. Ye YUAN is now an Assistant Professor at School of Economics, Peking University. He obtained his Ph.D. in Economics from National University of Singapore in 2017. His research interests include Health Economics, Economics of Health and Healthcare, Public Economics and Labor Economics. His work has been published in Lancet, Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization and China Economic Review.
Using longitudinal hospital operations data and patient EMR data, the paper studies the effect of information provision and streamlined medical appointment service on hospital operations, patient choices, and healthcare quality and patient health outcomes. The paper finds that the launching of the information-based appointment app leads to a modest and statistically significant increase in appointment utilization, a reduction of appointment cancellations, and more efficient patient sorting (more appropriate patient choices of hospitals and timing of hospital visits.) Moreover, the resulted patient sorting reduces the likelihood of patient revisit, improves drug prescription quality, and lowers medical spending. These findings suggest that the information-based health IT innovation can provide a cost-effective means to enhance hospital productivity and healthcare quality.
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